RC Car Videos

RC Car Racing Gold Coast Australia

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GCMR rc car Racing Gold Coast Australia – 12/11/06

I do not feel this track is employed anymore owing to sounds complaints from close by people but it was a wonderful & limited lived spot for rc car racing..

10 thoughts on “RC Car Racing Gold Coast Australia

  1. ElectricFury says:

    pretty fast, nitro can be nice, but not exactly my cup of tea 😛

  2. kyle hubner says:

    nice track was it finnished when this was filmed

  3. AAAUGAY says:

    they wwere really fast

  4. those things fuckin fly!

  5. Jordan Smith says:

    iv been to that track

  6. Karen Gould says:

    Where is the track located? and is it open for anyone?

  7. Kami Kylie says:

    Where is this track? Is anyone allowed?

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