RC Car Videos

RC car racing – get more rapidly on keep track of

Aimed a rookies obtaining into rc car racing we have a collection of videos which are tailored to enable new drivers become much better racers

If you are new to rc car racing then this could be the sequence for you…

so what helps make you go quicker on the monitor .. paying cash on hop ups or honing your craft.

More details on the amazing lap watch below:

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9 thoughts on “RC car racing – get more rapidly on keep track of

  1. Excellent tips! Thanks guys. Really helps a newbie like me

  2. Pedro says:

    Completely agree – your tips helped me go from Average lap 19:36 to – 14:44 & Best lap 15:79 to 11:40 by not aiming to go so fast. Iโ€™ve turned my EPA and itโ€™s helped massively – As somebody who has never owed an RC a car untill this year. My biggest thing also is mind set. Focusing on my race and managing expectations that I wonโ€™t keep up with experienced racers straight away

  3. Thanks guys. Coming from a DH mountain bike backround, slower is faster because you can get down smoother without loosing much speed. This is a good rule of thumb on the rc track also. Slower is faster get the track dialed then add some more speed.

  4. RC VHX 22 says:

    like it ๐Ÿ˜œ Awesome my friend ๐Ÿค™

  5. Great video you two, yes your right some people need to understand slower is fast, teaching my daughter this and sheโ€™s actually listening!!. Speed will come as you learn to drive the car. 100% correct about throttle her car is turned right down now moaning it slow, which means sheโ€™s getting faster!.
    Great video, good for the newbies into the hobby. Oh and Arne is a legend ๐Ÿ˜‰ quality as usual boys!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  6. Vince C says:

    Sweet video hello from V&B speed a new rc channel

  7. Luke says:

    Great video guys, another good tip for people starting out as well as anyone else is to remember the three P's Preperation, Preperation and you guessed it Preperation ๐Ÿ˜›. And the most important thing is to enjoy it, that's what it's all about after all

  8. Good advice, big motors look visually fast, but your usually over shooting corners. If it's offroad figuring out what jumps to air and what jumps to backside is very important as well…

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