RC Car Videos

Nitrorcx Manual: Fine Tuning your Nitro RC Car

Right here is the tutorial on fantastic tuning your nitro rc car.

Starter Kit:
G8X car:

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27 thoughts on “Nitrorcx Manual: Fine Tuning your Nitro RC Car

  1. thank you, great instructor!

  2. All these videos it looks like these cars never even see dirt or a track. They are all shelf cars lmao.

  3. Great video, very informative

  4. Your low speed is to lean.

  5. when your leaning the lsn and your idle rises, with in mind you have a huge 1mm gap, you should lower your gap. i usually use half of what you use and your idle is way high. very good video man, really good for beginners if they just lower the gap a smidge :p

  6. Eddie B says:

    FANTASTIC Tutorial! Thank you!

  7. Corey Turano says:

    your such a good explainer mate well done

  8. Bram says:

    Does Some one know where you can buy the stuff for giving gas.. you know from the elektrisitie where the gears are in (not the gears from the engine but the one that are inside a black box, for the trothle) ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Kid Refugee says:

    Finally a video that explains tuning by ear thoroughly. Perfect for my noobie nitro ears, thank you!

  10. t hess says:

    Hello ,awesome and very informative vid ,
    Helped me a lot as a newbie
    Now I a question , I got the high and the low setting mostly sorted but when I go full throttle the engine dies got a vintage nitro rs4 rtr3 evo 15 y old . Keep up the good work

  11. Nuk3Zupr3me says:

    1 Hour is 1 complete Turn Right ?

  12. What if you donโ€™t tune it and just leave it how it is?

  13. Dennis S says:

    What a great video, having a hard time finding your break-in video

  14. ๐Ÿš˜โค๐ŸŽ

  15. Best explanation an break down of how the engine works and to tune the motor Iโ€™ve came across!! awesome video man!๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ

  16. tiagodcc says:

    I think Iโ€™ve got all my setting pretty good when running but any press of the brakes and it cuts out. Tried to increase the idle needle so it looks like it has a good gap when breaking (not totally shut) but no resultโ€ฆ it must be something to do with the combination of the other two needles right? (high/low speed)

  17. This was hard to watch … when you guys where tuning the high speed, and it was pinging when you got off the gas … it was the low speed that need richening, not the high … couldn't you hear the eratic zingy idle? i couldnt watch that poor engine suffer anymore after that … yikes!

  18. How long does it stay tuned?

  19. Boris Capin says:

    How much is important hose from exhaust to reservoir (exhaust pressure line)? I dont have that one. Will it make problem with starting engine?

    thanks a lot. BTW video is fantastic!

  20. Mikey says:

    Mine starts but then when I rev it up and wonโ€™t r idle and dies

  21. Stan H 397 says:

    this is a perfect video and a video I've been looking for for a long time thanks mate great job

  22. CHIEF says:

    Great video , great details n great examples

  23. viralworx says:

    Solid video!!!! Its awesome how you show both sides of the spectrum from rich to lean and how to fix it. You actually teach people vs just telling people. Well Done

  24. Justin Reid says:

    Where can I get that foam air filter sir

  25. Pitar Nachev says:

    Very useful video! Thank you!

  26. 1DRIPSTER says:

    Someone told me the best way to tune. High speed go by how fast/loud engine is. Low speed go by acceleration.

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