29 thoughts on “Metro Kingdom Electric power Moon 73 – RC Car Champ

  1. My best is 25.89
    This was the last metro kingdom moon I had.
    Thank god it’s over

  2. SonofSolaire says:

    Im at 23 seconds and still no moon

  3. I fucking hate that mini game with every fragment of my soul.

  4. Mason M says:

    My high score is 26.02 i hate myself

  5. Idk why. But this moon was easy for me to get. It took me less than 10 minutes to get rc pro and rc champ. Tip: I would recommend imagining you are driving that rc car and are inside the car. Also, try to calm yourself if you are about to rage

  6. Harder than Dark Side Breakdown Road IMO

  7. I'm done I beat darker side three times but when I drive a car and 24.69😏 I dont get champ WHYYY?

  8. BOYZ 2 says:

    I got 25.04 I was 4 Mila seconds off

  9. So I finished under 25 and it keeps giving me the second place moon…is that the same as the first place because I’m trying to collect all of them and ones still showing one in that room and for some reason I can’t get it to pop up on that first place Spot like this video

  10. Bowsers got nothin on this little RC car.

  11. jase wagner says:

    i seriously got 26.03 i want to die

  12. I finished it in 24 sec 44 millisec and I still didn’t get the moon

  13. Bolbi101 says:

    This moon really makes me hate joycon drift

  14. I got 00:23.98 and i didnt get the rc champ

  15. I got under 26 and it didn’t give me the moon

  16. Zac Childs says:

    What is the time you need for the 1st place moon? I've got 24.52 and still only get 2nd

  17. AJ 8273 says:

    This moon is bullshit. I got a 23.50 and it didn’t give me it
    Not done the game yet. This moon requires you to beat the game

  18. Jacob Harvey says:

    how come i just got 24.74 and still no moon?

  19. My sibling helped me get the 35sec moon but they couldn’t do the 26sec, so I tried and after hell I got it 25.24 sec !!

    What I did was having my controller on my switch, not move the left thumbstick position and taking big turn and staying on the road.

  20. Sirius says:

    how does ur car turn that fast, when i play even when i hold it right at the start it hits the wall

  21. Pro tip: Always have the L joy con forward, not diagonal. Use the R joy-con as driving a car but in opposite. It’s not hard if you get used to it.

  22. Anyone else have a sub-23?? 😎

  23. I got 24.5 and still didn’t get it, do you have to complete the story first?

  24. sairam71 says:

    ugh this was so god damn hard why……

  25. I did it but I got..

    24.69! LOL

  26. Zu-Zu says:

    1) Make sure you've opened the moon rock.
    2) Keep on trying! I convinced myself it was impossible and still did it!
    3) Uncapture the man if you know you failed, saves times over the span of an hour.

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