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A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Portion 1/3

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00:00 – And so the journey starts
04:57 – Aspect 1 – RC Racing Currently
13:40 – The Major 2 Problems We Have
14:40 – Ryan Types Harris Component 1
20:50 – The Graphic Of RC – How People Find it & RCGP
23:00 – How The Entire world Has Transformed And Left RC Racing Behind
26:48 – The 3 Teams Of Men and women in RC
28:01 – How We Increase RC & Expand It
33:20 – Lefty Talks about RC Media
43:30 – This is why We Can not Have Good Items!
43:59 – Portion 2 – Racers Can Be Far better!
50:57 – Ryan Styles Harris Aspect 2, on Welcoming New Men and women
54:48 – Following Video

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48 thoughts on “A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Portion 1/3

  1. JQRacingTV says:

    Yes, yes I know. Audio issues, my microphone decided to adjust itself. I don't know why.

  2. koch says:

    Went to my 1st club race and no one would help me at all. Had no one to help me out and have not been to a race since…

  3. koch says:

    Also I was available to be helped, had good attitude ect… new comers are treated like crap… sorry but it is like that

  4. 8:23 …NJ being one of them… 🙁
    C'mon guys and gals! Lets get it together!

  5. 2 things killed offroad RC racing…. 1) It's NOT OFFROAD ANYMORE! Ultra hard clay and carpet are lame, ULTRA LAME. 2) The "fun" factor is looooong gone from offroad RC. In the old school, people dreamed of new ways to make their buggies and trucks better. In today's world, if you don't have an engineering degree, a small manufacturing facility and/or a factory team backing you, then what's the point?

    Look at what survives over and over….monster trucks and minis. Why? Because the fun factor is there. People can tinker and improve their rides. Ultra technical high end equipment took the FUN out of RC. Also, there needs to be a push for loamy and rich DIRT racing. People loved seeing rooster tails and power slides!

  6. Cade Leavitt says:

    Great video with valid points. This is a needed discussion and am happy you are making a video on it. In my opinion, 702 RC Raceway in Las Vegas is a pinnacle example of what a RC racing facility should be. I think every person who walks in their doors comes away with a desire the race RC. Other track owners should take note on their efforts.

    I agree 100% about the cost of RC. There is no other form of motorsports racing that is more affordable. Being hands on with your vehicles tuning set up and overall build/repair is half the fun. Next to RC, the most affordable motorsport racing would be karts. This is comparing basically apples to oranges but if you have a desire to be hands on and have the racing itch, RC is much more attainable.

  7. "I'm very American now…."

    Friggin' hilarious!!!

  8. P B says:

    I was into racing electric RCs in the 90's and was sort of interested in getting back into RC lately but I find everything to be all confusing now. The brushless motors have KV numbers that don't seem to make sense to the average person unlike before when you knew a 27 turn motor was a stock motor and the lower the turns, the faster the motor. Also, motors come in sensored or sensorless so which one do I buy? Which one is better? Why do they make 2 types to begin with? And the cost of the motors is quite high. I know they're brushless so they last forever but back in the day, you could buy a $20 motor that would last you for months. And since the motors were so cheap, you could buy a few different kinds so you could run what you felt was suitable for that day. Doing so nowadays seems like a luxury unless you got bucks to spend.

    And then there are the batteries which first of all could potentially catch fire so you either have to monitor them closely while charging or put them in a fire proof bag or do what Kevin Talbot does and charge them on a metal cart which is kept away from any flammable wall. And second, what C rating is suitable for my needs? What C rating do stock racers use? What C rating do modified racers use? And I noticed that the batteries that race cars from Losi and Associated are "Shorties" so you have to buy different types of batteries depending on what kind of car you're running.

    I feel RC racing is dead because like I said, it's too confusing but RC in general seems to be thriving. Companies like ARRMA and Traxxas are selling kits for $500+ dollars and people are buying those so it seems that RC shifted from racing to bashing.

  9. Edit: according to Google search trends rc racing has been dieing since before 2004, however, has been getting a little more popular the last few years, if it goes back down the next couple years it's probably in trouble, if it continues to rise over the next few years we might see a lot of people get into it

    Rc racing just came up in my head today as something that might be a fun challenge and hobby.

    That being said, I think sometimes things come and go in waves, I think it might get popular again, but idk maybe,

    People are becoming more connected and thats a good way for niche hobbies to survive.

    We just need to keep it interesting, a meta that never changes gets old fast,

  10. Chad Hilburn says:

    I have always wanted to be like Adam Drake. Losi, back in the day, had some catchy photos when my web was run by AOL.

  11. Your long form video on carb tuning was amazing and is exactly what you are talking about at about 50 minutes. It was extremely helpful because I have never tuned a nitro engine before and using concepts as a teaching method so that you understand rather than memorize is exactly the right approach. There is a guy named doctormosfet who did a bunch of very detailed videos on tuning the suspension that are along the same lines. EXTREMELY helpful to someone like me who is a beginner racer.

  12. Mika Rinne says:

    Ifmar 😂yeah great show JQ!

  13. Great video brother. I got out of the sport (hobby) about 30 years ago because, I thought it was dying, tracks just disappearing. Recently I have been thinking about getting back into it but, still concerned it will not be around long. You are on point with this video.

  14. InTheZone says:

    Have never lived near any track. Would love to have a nice paved track for bashing or racing. And would love to have a nice outdoor and indoor track for offroad racing. Im in eastern NC and unless you live in a bigger city tracks dont exist.

    If the city could simply build a park that isnt fenced off, create some tracks so that people with rcs can casually go eventually it'll lead to more demand. No one wants to keep driving in flat circles in the grass or parking lot.

  15. As someone who just started again I don't really bother with racing. It feels toxic in a way that in forums it looks like there's a huge division when there's electric vs nitro. There's douches who make fun of electric and nitro alike . Then there's people being elitist on tracks refuse helping and being salty if they lost. When there's topic of rc as a hobby is dying they come up with so much plans and ideas trying to "revive" the hobby as long as those new people only try out the racing scene but the rest nahh waste of their time, I see so much blame on everything but themselves. As for me I'm going to try out rwd drifting I don't care if anyone thinks its boring, I don't care if I dont "win" it's a hobby I want to enjoy doing it not what you want me to enjoy. I'm tired of being told "this" is the "real" rc hobby.

  16. The problem for the racer is money. The problem for the track is money. Everything has just become too expensive. A lot of people forget about all the extra expenses that come along with racing. The fact that it’ll take up your whole day, gas in your real truck to drive 2+ hours away from home, lunch/dinner, drinks cause it’s typically hot at the race track. Now add in $100 for the set of tires you’ll burn up today, Plus Uh oh it’s offroad one of your lipo’s loses a cell connection, there’s another $100-$200 depending what class we’re talking about here. It’s just insane how expensive everything has gotten. And at the end of the day that’s the route of the problem imo.

  17. Yes lots of nerds in my local track also not very friendly. I also support my local hobby shop but when i need support they will say call the manufacturer. That’s why i sold all my racing buggys

  18. Electric powered rc cars are killing rc motorsports.

  19. You and Ryan are a real representation of Love and Enthusiasm for the hobby in all of its aspects and really express a genuine importance on honesty in what we all can do to make this great hobby great again. I truly appreciate what you and others like you are trying to do for the hobby. The Hobby needs more JQs and Ryan’s for sure. You guys are awesome!

  20. personally I have trouble with finding a track for rc racing since the advertisement method is if you can find the track while driving by you can race there

  21. One problem I see is that I have the funds to get everything I need to race and then some. But locally there are two tracks that are at county parks run by two clubs. Well they only allow practice one morning a week. Which means that it’s crowded. When you are new to racing you want as much track time as you can get and when you are first starting a crowded track is not a good place to learn. You are afraid to hit other racers cars you are afraid you are in the way holding people up. It’s just not set up for learning.

  22. Frank Daviel says:

    I agree, the weekend race format, completely killed my interest in racing. The hobby need more limelight, nobody knows about it.

  23. Because we have no race tracks in austria 🙄

  24. emma hunter says:

    I turned up at a track in the uk, broke out my 12 year old truggy and experienced the wall of silence, i had a nightmare day and left vowing never to return. I explained to my wife that if this is how i feel i cant imagine how anyone new would want to race or return. I am going back, i will find the newbie (as i have in the past) and i will help him race. This is how our hobbie will survive. How about one racer in rotation gives up one of his races to mentor.

  25. TornadoGTI says:

    I'm feeling your statements and opinion 100% and also thought that by myself 100 times. I'm not a professional driver or active rc guy at the moment but I love this hobby since my childhood. My dad brought me into this with an old serpent nitro car from his active time. I drove the Tamiya MadFighter cup and some indoor HPI Pro4 races. But all these points you're mentioning are right and could be more positive and for sure nowadays. Entry levels need to set lower, let the people drive what they want. Mixed class racing, short events in a regular manner maybe at the evening and a welcome atmosphere from the old guys. Key is media and advertising on every channels. The main thing should be the fun and the joy of competition.

    I have a local track here 5km away from me. Onroad and Offroad course. The last Facebook post was from 2019. No Instagram, no publicity, nothing. Two other tracks nearby the same sad stories. I don't get it. Maybe the is really no audience anymore for this kind of sport but I don't think so.

    I think I need to go back to the nearby club, pay 200€! yearly membership and a additional 150€ entry fee and try to change something. Maybe I can find some open minded people that are willing to safe this sport from dying. I know the proberty and the costs for a track are high and someone must pay for it, but don't lock out interested people with that.

  26. Vouncat says:

    This is really a great idea and well designed trilogy. I'm in the second category and I'll forward your message as much as possible.

  27. Josh D. Tech says:

    A quick idea. Why don't we just have a Nimh class. Easy to spot cheaters. Nimh lower power means less part breaks. It also promotes lighter and cheaper vehicles. Lowers the potency of competitive mods
    Make the race long enough and Nimh battery choices matter. Do you run a larger battery for longer run time or go smaller for less weight but power fades.
    Another bonus are Nimh batteries are cheaper.

  28. Nitrokillah says:

    There is no money in RC racing in Europe … 
    "IF" … If you ever get A sponsor ; they will send you 1 or 2 chassis and some parts at best . 
    Only a very very select few actually make a living out of Racing and get payed to travel the world to drive their RCs. 
    I used to race 1:10 Offraod RC . I got 7th place in Dutch/Belgium Nationals on my rookie years … and never got any sponsorship . I stopped racing cause things just cost too much . Tires , travels (hotels ) , general car maintenance etc it all adds up.
    Manufacturer's sucks all your money … you can get a car but you need to add All these optional parts ( Not talking about JQracing products ) but in 99% of the time you'll never find a Racing Chassis that includes 2 full sets of wheels and full set of Spring stiffness or enough washers to make your setup changes. 
    Take top of the line ESCs or Servos for example ; you still Need to buy a Blood Programming card for them at an added cost. These should come in the Box as standard.
    Today thing are getting even more expensive just like the latest iPhone or Android device ; have seen the price on the latest and greatest futaba radio… It looks Super Cool But Just having a Touch screen on there dose NOT justify the cost IMO.

    this is probably why people aren't attracted or staying in RC racing . it's because teams like TeamLosi & Durango got bought up by RC giants like Horizon RC that don't care about anything but make MONEY … ( TLR are making a comeback but you know what I mean ) . Giants Like horizon , TaxxAss , Arma are the reason people are buying Monster tucks . Because don'texpensiveEuropesenseEurope
    privileged racers is going to bring people back in the hobby . and getting Youtube sensation in the mis is not gonna help either ( lets be honest youtube is filled with unboxing idiots that make A living out of it ) .
    The FPV world at least are a lot of giveaways witch Nobody in the Racing RC is willing to do.

    PS I LOVE the channel Sooo much good info here Keep up the Good Work . Hope to here from you . And MAKE A BLOODY 1:10 OFF ROAD Chassis Already .

  29. stephane Z says:

    i do see another problem : you say rc people who don't race play with rc toys… racers often feel superior and that's sad : lots of rc car users are serious about their car ! be nice, be kind, to whatever rc car enthousiast. adam drake is nice !

  30. Just watching this late but here I my 2cents as when I went to the track to learn and run my rc car I was met with a lot of upset ppl competing and any questions I asked I was met with I’m asking stupid questions and was told to watch and that it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I feel tracks should have sponsored drivers teaching day bring an rc and teach the new ppl with out the pros having to race that day or have a day where new ppl can come learn something but for me I won’t go back at this point with a 100 rc cars I own I just bash and play having fun where I can rather then race and not have fun competing like a job idk love your videos I learn a lot thanks 🙏 my 2 cents from my experience 😂

  31. 21ccFilms says:

    Hey JQ, keep up the good work. I was really inspired by these videos, as such, and as club driver, I tried to make a difference at my local club, it hasn't worked. I had about rant about said situation here: https://youtu.be/iXeRd_uecpM

  32. The Council fun police are a full bag of misery. Pure and simple.

  33. I'm saving up for a Traxxas Slash so I can race at my local track. But covid bs.

  34. Sorry one more. I have a young 19 year old absolute guitar shredder, and every now and then he says I can't learn this or do that, even though he can play Dream Theatre – Dance of Eternity effortlessly. I play him this inspiring video – It's a must watch if you think your not good enough – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aec7cQI8beg&ab_channel=ThatPedalShow

  35. Too many rules and too many classes at club level. We need to make the "hobby" more accessible to everyone who has an rc car, you shouldn't have to buy a specific car to go racing at your local club level. I've seen so many people over the years turned away from tracks because their car is not suitable for the classes the club race. It's not F1, we need people to be exposed to the fun of rc racing first, then they can progress into more structured formats/classes of rc racing if they wish… If grass roots racing isn't healthy, it's just a matter of time before the pyramid collapses

  36. I love this video. Out of all the BS I consume on YouTube, this is by far one of the best, compelling and well thought out videos I’ve seen. I see this EXACT thing at my home town track (which I’m very thankful for) happening now. It’s dying. I love your content bro. Keep it up. I’m even an American and I like you. ❤️😉

  37. Why don't Americans like you? That's fkn dumb.

  38. Bob Rock says:

    Bro this is legendary….I have my own podcast as well where i focus only on Rc Drifting called The B Rock Rc Show. Alot of the points you spoke on with regards to saving the rc hobby / sport apply to drifting, Can i have your permission to speak about the same topic on my show? One thing i can say about the Rc Drifting family is that we are a sharing bunch….we share everything from advice to setup even on comp day so i have found that the comradery is much better in rc drifting than in rc racing. Be that as it may though i love what you spoke about i have touched on similar things in my past podcast but not as indepth as you have done now,. I agree alot with what you say……Thank you for talking on this!

  39. Greta Tunberg will soon ask for catalytic converter and a euro6 emissions on Rc cars 😭

  40. Do Dex says:

    You know what those damn Ready to Run kits helped to destroy this hobby. The prices of hobby kits also were huge. I was surprised that through the years the price of a kit and the cost of a nice radio never decreased.

  41. Jian Qiu says:

    What annoyed me back while I was still racing was not a new kid that did not know much, but rather a new rich kid that had such a superior car that he won even without much skills. Just a bit of context, I raced in China, and it was not always easy 20 yrs ago buying parts from the west or Japan, so we had to make some parts ourselves. A new car with all the latest bells and whistles could make a clean sweep with zero skill.

  42. Breakout racing would save it. The problem is cost trying to keep up with other racers that aren't exactly honest to begin with. Breakout racing virtually eliminates cost and the ability to cheat. Just my opinion I don't need a bunch of people arguing on and on being idiots. Thanks.

  43. MrWalt Nitro says:

    Price point is huge. $700 plus of a nitro engine to be competitive is just plain greed at that point is not about the hobby is about lining their pockets. Thats what is killing the racing side back in the 80s it was way cheaper not to be competitive your spending 4k plus

  44. extec101 says:

    sandbaging needs to go.
    seen it to often to ignore it that top level drivers with sponsors and huge budgets and latest and greatest parts stay in the lower class like stock dominating to the point that the average driver feel they cant race for the podium and that takes some of the hunger away from the sport that average joe can by a decent car and start racing for a win and then level up to next classes once he is good enough.

  45. JQ hello, very nice videos friend. i agree 100% I am kenneth from Colombia, we meet in Pereira, lets talk

  46. For one, I always wondered how you win in a race. I dont know what proper terms to use to explain this but I don't see anything in the internet a very brief and short explaination how race "cup/series" is won. Like how do you get to the championships? How to get points? How is the starting grid positions are determined? Is it a one day race? I know races are different in each countries but explaining how races are done in your country could serve a good template for this beginner to understand races.

  47. TheJPower says:

    really good point with "drive to survive" we need Heros or somebody we can look at and push the enthusiasm to the level it belongs. That is also a reason why we need good content like yours to show how fun this Sport is. Greatings from Germany here, we have at least one guy who is kind of famouse here: Marc Rheinard

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