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A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Part 3/3

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00:00 – Intro
02:15 – EFRA Development Plan Movie
03:52 – TIMEOUT
08:14 – What EFRA Should Do
04:42 – How I Definitely Really feel About EFRA
11:38 – Evidence That My Allegations Are Legitimate!
12:20 – What EFRA Did in 2020 Video
13:15 –
21:15 – EFRA Enhancement Approach
25:42 – EFRA’s Enhancement System is a Waste OF TIME
26:31 – Poor Outcomes Really don’t Imply EFRA is Comprehensive of Terrible Persons
28:45 – EFRA’s Historical past
34:49 – Manufacturer’s Assembly, 3 Year Development!!!
31:14 – 2004, talking about exact troubles as today, EFRA has modified Almost nothing.
37:00 – EFRA Upcoming Job 2005-2008, SWOT Evaluation
41:22 – A Proposal That Seems A Lot Like RCGP
47:35 – EFRA Admits Lobbying is a Factor!
49:00 – Audio Common? These ideas usually are not NEW…Either EFRA Can Have Meetings About Alter, or Professional Firms Can Reach Transform.
54:50 – EFRA’s Negative Mindset To Non EFRA Gatherings
58:14 – EFRA Cluelessness
59:30 – EFRA’s Financial Report
1:03:47 – My Summary
1:13:13 – EFRA Enhancement Program Online video 2.

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39 thoughts on “A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Part 3/3

  1. This is what gets solved in the first few week of developing a business. Not take 3 years. LOL Lord help us

  2. David Silva says:

    JQ you do seem to know the problems and have good solutions, have you considered trying your own way? I feel that sometimes the best is to lead by example. You seem to be well known in the industry, that may help if you decide to create something better than EFRA

  3. Watched the whole thing…never heard of efra before this video and it seems like i probably won't hear of them in the future either.

    Great information JQ.

  4. Big Si says:

    Does EFRA need to be governing body for all classes?….No….there are so many…..let the track guys have 1 governing body and the offroaders another or something like that. How can they concentrate on anything with so many classes ?

  5. JQ, I love you (kidding), I love your videos and and I agree with your point of view. This trilogy is great and inspirating,especially while I am starting to take a tiny role into a national federation. Nevertheless I am a bit disapointed by the part #3. If it is definitivly fair and useful to get your reading of the selected extracts of EFRA AGM reports, the "logo affair" has to be highlighted, I think 1/ you are a bit too picky with the bureaucraty stuff, i.e.: you acknowledge that the role and duty of a federation is to ensure stability (and visibility to drivers, manufacturers, to all actors), so reports and powerpoints sound to me as a needed exercise (which are not MY prefered, but somebody has to be structured and meticulous) 2/ while you usually give some ideas, here there less than 20% (the Conclusion) where you provides some "how to" and ideas. So as a result, it looks too much like an indictment against EFRA, the balance with "here's what I recomend" is not there as usual.
    I do agree again with the ascertainment about the hobby and the need to act now. Guys like you, with popularity within the hobby, and guys like us, passionate that want to act/to change things, considering it is a hobby and not the Apple kind of business, we would need to be more conciliatory with the one that do/that did and watch ourselves inton the mirror to SUCCEED to find the way to make the things evolve. We have to suggest more, according to me, not only 20% of the video. I vote for a part #4
    Still love you 😉

  6. Vulnerable for lobbying means who's paying the most !

  7. Kevin Welker says:

    I've enjoyed these 3 videos JQ. I watch pretty much all the content you and Keenan provide. I have a passion for this hobby as well. Although my boy and I are just hobby racers, we get involved with talking with the pros, helping out our lhs. Im a carpenter. Ive agreed to build a new driver stand and rd booth at our local track. We only have one way traffic on our stand. So drivers go back to the pits and screw around between rounds instead of getting back out and marshaling right away. Ill be building an off ramp with a convenient shelf to put your buggy on. Its as simple as turning off your gear and finding a corner. It will greatly improve the programs run time. Im doing all this for cost of materials.. Im not giving myself a pat on the back rather its an example of someone's passion for the rc racing community and what just one person can contribute.

  8. So, one quick question – What the heck is EFRA?

  9. So people at the track act like cock of the walk and push people away

  10. But when they go to a big track they don’t act like that

  11. Mibb says:

    My right ear finally feels included in this 3 part series and says thank you JQ!

  12. EFRA run by B O O M E R

  13. StraightBurn says:

    Why don't they try to get schools to start RC clubs? Thats what I would be doing if I was trying to grow RC here in the US, what kid wouldnt want to play with RC cars at school.

  14. Dan Gavere says:

    2 classes I believe increased popularity over last 15 years the most. Nitro Monster truck and Short Couse. Bring them back to get the New people into it.

  15. Bob Chooper says:

    Rc racing needs innovative ways to change the track. And what I mean by changing the track is every time the leader crosses the loop the track changes. From jumps going up and down. Carpet tracks can do this with hydraulics. Or building elevated lanes, unique features and changing features monthly. U constantly have to be changing layouts. Browns hobby in irondale Ohio is a great example of what I'm talking about. Check them out. Also hillside rc with minimal room what they did. Evolve or die!!!

  16. John Richard says:

    If the current federation sucks Lets start a new one. Im new in rc racing and i have to say getting started has been a challenge at best. I think you mark santmaria and a few other youtubers could help us get a federation going i dont know just my 2 cents i use to be be very active in the AMA

  17. MrLunithy says:

    I think back to 2012 … timecop stm 32's …quads got better and better 2013 … then all of a sudden they were drones and all hell broke lose now my hobby is a crime 2021.

  18. rcf1blog says:

    Much of what was brought up here has merit, but the main thing is money. No race promoter has any incentive to work with the sanctioning bodies. It add expense for the racer ( membership fees) and the promotion already has the advantage of using the rules and the big one, the approved product list for free. No reason for them to cooperate with the federation.

    Will the manufacturers see ROI on any of this? Can they work together? There are few examples of industry wide cooperation, especially ones where cash money is involved.

    Beyond that, this is in the end a participation sport. Big races in high profile areas are great, but mostly people watch and say, "oh cool"…ten minutes later they are on their way again, no different than watching a street magician do a couple tricks.

    I have heard a lot of ideas on how to grow things using models from other recreational or sports activities, but most of these models have massive participation. Even things like bmx, or karting are still more mainstream than rc cars.

    Most of these for profit races in the USA are based on having massive entries and super long race days. That's the only way it can really work. 72 drivers at a race does not do it unless someone comes up with the money to put it on. I just dont see where the actual cash is coming from (not product as sponsorship)

  19. I watched it all !! Good thought and reflexions.🙍

  20. Tom Sherrill says:

    GREAT series JQ. New to your channel and I'm gonna stay awhile. I appreciate the guitars, I'm a drummer and also a rc enthusiast. Looking forward to learning as much as I can from you and others on the various media outlets. Good job man, thanks for the hard work. The end product is great, and you crack me up dude. Be well!

  21. Bart Banaan says:

    So, RC-GP took EFRA 2007 plans, worked them out and 12 years later they held 6 events?
    EFRA is a federation of national RC Car clubs. They are representing the clubs, they are not a race organizer.

  22. Bart Banaan says:

    The races organized by RedRC (ETS and OES) were not held on EFRA/national federation member RC-Car clubs, but one temporary tracks and at manufactures tracks.
    EFRA is a federation of national CLUBS which are member of the national federations, like the NOMAC in the Netherlands. So they don't support races outside the ones organised by their member clubs.

  23. Bart Banaan says:

    JQ, are youselve member of a club?
    Are YOU a member of a club? Is your club member of the national federation? Is your national federation member of EFRA?
    EFRA is a federation of national clubs which are members of the national federation.
    Not all national clubs are member of a national federation.
    Not all national federations are member of the EFRA (or IFMAR).

    If you want to change: start at your club, be member of the board of your club,
    Get chosen in to the board of your national federation, get your national federation to send you to the EFRA meetings.
    Present our ideas to the board of EFRA.
    Get your ideas voted
    Then you change things…

  24. Hey JQ, I noticed you had a Ultimate Racing engine in your tuning video. What do you think about those engines? I'm about to pull the trigger on an M5S

  25. What's happening, vacation?

  26. noswad75 says:

    The only way RC will be saved is two things. Forget all of the politics and these organizations. RC has a fundamental problem like most hobbies do. Cost and locations! RC like most hobbies is pound for pound ridiculously expensive just to get started in. To build a functional kit cost a well over thousand dollars!! Beginners in a hobby don’t want to spend that type of money. I haven’t because there’s no place to run cars. I live in Michigan and there are no outdoor tracks or anything. There’s only a couple small scruffy indoor tracks. There needs to be less cost associated with RC, and more tracks and local stores! If these organizations are not going to use the political influences, in local communities to support and build hobby shops and build tracks, RC is not going to grow! Paintball has had the same problem for years!! Why!! Too friggin expensive!! No place to play. RC, too friggin expensive, no place to shop or drive or race!! It doesn’t matter what these organizations do or whatever. If those two fundamental issues aren’t addressed, bye bye RC! Especially now with all this covid crap, and the financial instability it has created, not many people have a grand to drop on an RC setup. That they can’t run anywhere.

  27. Hi there, I have a Kyosho mp9 with stock engine. I would like to upgrade the engine soon but noticed all good engines have NO pull start. Why is this?

    I really like pull starts and I don't want to invest in a starter box unless I really have to.

  28. To many rc snobs with 3000$ plus buggy that look down on a 800$ stock kit talking down to people as if they dont belong on the track

  29. Why is there no price money in the sport?

  30. Respect brother. Really enjoyed the 3 episodes. I learned so much, thanks.

  31. QuattroStig says:

    Listened to all three parts without skipping while traveling for work. Gotta say I have to respect your pragmatic point of view. I dont feel any of it is negative only realistic points that focus on opportunities to improve. Some real leadership that all organizations/industries can learn from.

    I am in full support of raising fees and putting a cap when it will improve the experience of those who do make it. I never see the point of making things more accessible (cheaper and without limits) so everyone can share the poorly organized experience when you can charge more and have great memories.

  32. Ed Lemmons says:

    Hey JQ, I totally understand where you're coming from about Efra or whatever they call themselves. They're selfish greedy and stupid. They are willing to single handling killing the sport just because they're shit and all about themselves

  33. I love the content JQ. Wish we had someone similar to you in the states, to brake down ROAR and IFMAR the way you just did. Keep it up brother!!

  34. Jay Russo says:

    Anybody in the Grand Rapids Michigan area come check out grand river RC they race off road Friday & on-road Saturday

  35. paul skipp says:

    There’s a pretty clear way to do this, in the US at least. There needs to be a broadcasted championship series for points. In my opinion R/C racing will never take off without a series of races with the same drivers in a regular schedule. Having these random “national championship” or “national events” isn’t doing publicity any good. Get the same cars and drivers in front of the masses and in regular competition with each other. Get teams to actually work like teams in nascar or F1. It will gain popularity.

  36. Matt Johnson says:

    As an adult with children that is just getting back into this, And as somebody that is coming from other non-mainstream hobbies, I see a few issues. To the other comments about location, I completely agree. I remember seeing my first rc race as a child at an outdoor track next to a mall. My mom took us over to watch, that memory is still stuck in my head. Coming from disc golf, RC needs more professional coverage of the sport. I wouldn’t leave that up to the governing body though, it needs to be independent. Coming from airsoft, parts/tech support of rc is horrible. The manufacturers seem to incorporate planned obsolescence into every product. I’d rather see a governing body create better standards around parts that should be universal across brands. At the very least, there should be better support on identifying alternate parts for aging rc’s. If a manufacturer decides to stop producing parts, they should offer up the CAD files so people can 3D print them on their own. It seems like everyone just accepts the sport to be expensive, it doesn’t have to be. Lastly, local clubs should have better ways of getting newbies into the hobby by offering rentals, driving classes/racing orientations. There too big of a gap between the dedicated racers and the average person walking in off the street.

  37. This hobby will never die there’s to meany people that love it including myself just like jq there will always be someone there to keep it alive my only opinion is people need to drop there prices on products because there’s people that would love to race and enjoy the hobby intel they see some of the prices of these vehicles that are just gonna be discontinued in couple years

  38. skdb16 says:

    I just started and I love it! Armma is trying to get bashers into racing. And it worked for me. I bought mine of a JQ supplier who is running one of those new makyo chassis

  39. extec101 says:

    this is one of the problems with EFRA that they are like a mafia only efra can set the rules and say what to do and dont and then get angry when someone ells starts a new racing series and other rules and efra kant be a part of that and see that as a threat against them.

    efra and their dinosaur rules dont follow modern trends and how people whant to race in 2022, rc racing needs to be shown in public with more "parking lot" racing and shopping mall racing as well as track/club racing in a easy and fun way that dont take the whole weekend.

    also more of the big company need to be out on sight at the race selling parts and informing people that is interested in starting with rc cars about it just like the old days seen in films of rc racing in the 90s, not just the high end race cars but cheaper cars for club racing that new to the hobby can afford and start out with.

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