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A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Aspect 2/3

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00:00 – Opening
02:15 – Anyone is Sponsored
06:38 – Prosperous Boys Taking part in in RC
08:33 – What Can We Do?
09:11 – Distinctive Races – Various Function, Racing Lifestyle
15:30 – The 4 Different Types of Races
16:26 – Clubracing
20:00 – Regional Racing
21:26 – JIMMY BABCOCK Pay Notice You should!
24:41 – Significant Races
27:38 – Ryan Styles Harris on RACING
34:05 – Race Format Updates
35:13 – JIMMY BABCOCK Pay Notice Yet again You should!
40:18 – Experienced International Races
42:50 – A Challenge With Large ENTRY Races…..

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45 thoughts on “A Way To Help save RC Car Racing? Aspect 2/3

  1. My left ear really enjoyed this video

  2. manos papas says:

    ABOUT THE BOOK: That's an accomplishment JQ. No matter what … you set a target and you reach that target. That's what we call accomplishment. I'll order! ABOUT THE RACE CULTURE: I think that you cannot instil asian way of thinking about R/C into an american and vice versa. It's hard if not impossible. So, americans need to think outside the box in order to solve the problem … do they believe that there is a problem at all???

  3. Jon Starritt says:

    Maybe if he took his own advice and created a resume for Rode, he could get a second mic at a discount so he can record both the right and left audio channels. lol

  4. Hi, I like the videos, because i see similar problems in our country, I would add one point for different levels of racing. there is no connection betweem them. In all others sports which are leaded by country federations, there is needed to win something to go to next level. and all levels are with same rules….etc..

  5. Pukki34 says:

    Hey, youre only on left channel.

  6. Bobby Baggs says:

    Love it! You know JQ I think it would be great if you maybe started your own race series. Then others could learn from that and it would set the new standard. Haha love yea bro. O yea and awesome having my man Ryan Styles Harris on too.

  7. in bavarian we need more rc support (marketing, tracks, and events)

  8. RC OBSESSED says:

    My local off road track has more sponsored guys then Non . Lol . It does not make entering racing so fun . There's like 15 guys 10 are sponsored .

  9. Stereo audio please but I appreciate the content. I love the convenience of racing indoors but there needs to be the occasional race somewhere high visibility where the whole point is to expose others to something they didnโ€™t know exists. There needs to be designated rc ambassadors who are there to speak solely to people who are interested and arenโ€™t the most introverted people at the event. Some people just shouldnโ€™t be allowed to speak for the hobby lol. Sometimes people just tell bystanders the wrong thing like how much it costs. Sure you can race a 5000 dollar setup but you can also find a good used setup for a few 100s or even someone who will let a newbie borrow a car for a day of racing.

  10. If you are buying from manufacturers, you are not a โ€œTeamโ€ racer.

  11. I just threw my right ear bud away since nothing was coming out of it…..interesting info on racing though.

  12. Not really a fan of RSH idea of limiting entries and raising every fees, or the best 3 lap Qualifying whatever you want to call it. I would prefer they limit classes, maybe you can't run Nitro buggy, 40+, E buggy and truggy classes, pick one and run it, and like jq suggested run certain chases at certain times. Also with the top 3-5 lap qualifiers you take consistency out of the equation at a lot of tracks the person that can pull the fastest single lap or two can't pull off a clean 30 minute main.

  13. MOR66 RC says:

    OMG, boring boring boring, that's the problem with racing to the many 1000s of hobbyists the bash race in there local parks, waist land , super market parking lot ? What's the reason? the missing chemistry is FUN, this another element, I run a group of guys who bash race in the South East of England and I am the only one who wants to go to a track and race ? I'm not the nor in the group as I own 7 race rc vehicles, all the other guys only own RTR rc cars, Arrma and Traxxas are at the top, this should tell you something ? people are going out to have FUN, the year before last I bought 9 Arrma vehicles? the fun side of rc is the many different types of rc vehicles that you will not find within the racing scene? I have buggy's, Truggy's, stunt truck, monster truck, SCT, speed truck and so on, there needs to be some fun categories to bring those who bash into racing, if you look at those RC channels on Youtube that promote the fun side of rc , recreational or bashing there huge? FUN FUN FUN that's what we want. I watch many like your yourself who are serious about racing and commentating on how to improve the racing scene, where is the excitement, passion gone? the hobby needs more fun characters, who are cool, HYPE MEN and Women fun racing for all , I met a top level race in Spain, you know who he is, a very nice guy but ? boring, sorry .

  14. Try living here in Australia.. basically no tracks anywhere, I just build cars for shelf queens cos driving round on ya own in the middle of nowhere gets boring real fast…. This is where you could end up!

  15. Mike Agar says:

    I'd have to say that the UK has fantastic club level racing. 6 clubs within a 2h drive and I live on the coast so only 180ยฐ area. Rc is alive and kicking in the UK for 10th off road.
    Good series of videos and looking at RC world wide you've got some good points.

  16. Ultegra10SPD says:

    From โ€˜11 to early โ€˜13 when i quit (havent returned) i was only doing 24hr races. When that went away so did i. Totally agree on โ€˜all day away for 3 heats and a mainโ€™ is long overdue for change. -U10

  17. Most RCers have not experienced as much as you have in the hobby. Very Intelligent and Perceptive Analysis.

  18. RcJerz says:

    I think you may of deleted audio track voice is left side speaker, music is right side figured Iโ€™d let you know. Anyway good video keep them up.

  19. Has a former racer (Kyosho,Hodr,Mugen)not sponsored in TT ><15 years ago already we have that same problems but also a basic and principal problem "Cost" it became to expensive to race even at local or "Regional. How can someone (Beginner) can start on RC if they have to spend a fortune to buy a rc car and spare parts a (lot of parts) with no suport in some cases just to have fun? thatยดs whatยดs killing the RC sport in general at least hear in south Europe. I donยดt no the fast solution this problem but Infortunetly itยดs the reality there is to many sellers profiting between factory to costumer.

  20. Ben Yarnold says:

    Hi! You never mentioned Australia!! Come visit us! Love what ya doing for the sport. Audio needs some tweaking.
    Some very valid points i can relate too here. Look forward to the final chapter!

  21. iDrone says:

    Great video! With all these ideas and knowledge you are providing can you put that to test at your local tracks even at club level to see where it might go? Someone needs to be testing these ideas and I know there are a lot of other people who might agree with your format. See what you can do locally since you have a strong hand in the RC world and see if any of your ideas work.

  22. alexleklund says:

    We had a local indoor offroad track that had Novice Friday Nights to help people learn and would let experience racers run but the point was to help teach new racers and be more instruction on all aspects.

  23. SupremeHye says:

    I donโ€™t know if you know this but, audio only worked on left ear speaker.

    ๐Ÿ˜‚ helping the algorithm and getting a lol out of it. Iโ€™m sure that you know after 90% of your comments said the same thing.

  24. SupremeHye says:

    For JQ cars, everyone is 50% sponsored. Reg price at $1300 and sale price at $650!

  25. I think we are "dooing something rigth" in our town, we have those Kerhoautoilta/Aloittelijailta on Mondays at 17-19, Everyone is welcome, to drive his/her s own car or ours (Kerhoauto Arrma Senton) and dont forgot those six another days traing days ๐Ÿ˜€ which the wensday is advance day and we making best of our cars on the time sheet. And we are trying make time to atleast 1-2 club race on month , on crosstrack, 1/10 Bug 2wd 4wd, SCT 2wd 4wd and Beginner race, any car is welcome. Good Vid JQ, Jos tulet joskus Savoon, lupaan keittรครค kahvit ๐Ÿ˜€

  26. johnny g says:

    sadly high participation rates doesn't equal more fun for the average racer JQ, just more money in the till and paid drivers. but yes everyone wants less time spent at the track and more time on it. cheers

  27. I swear if this hobby goes Iโ€™ll be so depressed like fr

  28. AE Fanboy says:

    Love these… What frames are your glasses????

  29. AE Fanboy says:

    Ryan Harris… LOVED!!!!

  30. Tommi Vesalo says:

    Hi! Thanks for this great video.I'm looking forward to see the next one. I just received the book. Now…to the track. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. NoNameYet says:

    can't watch man.. too quiet

  32. Dick Head says:

    Well said gentleman well said somebody has the right idea

  33. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s dying. Itโ€™s just not growing fast enough. Iโ€™m mainly a basher but I would love to track race but there are extremely few tracks within range of where I live. I havenโ€™t seen your complete series on this but Iโ€™m betting most people canโ€™t get to a track. If Iโ€™m wrong maybe itโ€™s the price jump for product, my typhon has about $2200 in it. An ESC for example, different car, paid $54.00 saw it for $104.00 six months later, damm!!! Tell me that ainโ€™t scaring people away!!!

  34. Ryan said it best that sums up one of the reasons I stopped racing. Just spent waaaay too much time at the big races and less time with family.

  35. I know the answer. Figure out a way that today's generation of lazy sofa hogging kids can drive real rc cars on real tracks from their bedrooms using xbox and ps controllers. Hopefully some will get the bug, brave daylight and eventually visit a hobby shop or even a track. Even if it is just to get a selfie. Aaaah, we're screwed aren't we.

  36. PLZ Tell me who you would speculate to be the ones who do it for a hobby.,,, The guy from ARRMA ( Iknow Bash central.) but he has been a fan from school like me 1985 1st car..xx Wild willy then mardave meteor..go figure i was 10.

  37. Ryan Hodges says:

    USA here. I quit racing a couple of years back. I was driving an hour or so to get to the track. I'd get a couple of practice runs in, two 5 minute qualifiers and a 5 minute main. By the time I added up buying dinner, gas and racing fees, I was paying $40 a week for 30 mins of track time. These days I go with a buddy to a track that's even further away, but has open track days where we can go for about 6 hours and run pack after pack. As a side note, I agree that Asian countries seem to have more fun. I really enjoy watching videos of races/track days. They seem like they're having so much fun.

  38. Luke Moskow says:


  39. Luke Moskow says:


  40. Keep tracks smaller, allow or encourage for more self made equipment both for keeping costs down and creativity, make changes that change handling regularly in terms of race rules without the need to buy everything once again, E.g. change from Le mans to Sedan bodies, tyre types, etc. the rest will look after itself.

  41. Cade Leavitt says:

    I live in a place where there are 5 decent RC tracks within a 300 mile distance from each other. It would be great to have a series where the tracks get on the same schedule and host a regional series. The series would be held once a month at a particular track. Each track would have a turn to host an all day Saturday race for the month. This way people could have more flexibility with their travel schedules. After five months people would have raced at each venue. This way we get to race with larger groups and get to know each other more. We would have a solid awards ceremony at the end.

  42. JQ, I hope you hear this and approve of it as well as any club owners in America. if you break the day into 3 seperate parts thats 9 oppertunities a weekend to run a class, you could keep them in the same order or run truggies and buggies in the morning friday, afternoon saturday, night sunday, and that prevents people who only have nights or mornings open to be able to still run. only run 2-3 classes a session, give an hours practice, 10 minute qualifiers, take everyone who doesnt qualify and tell them to have a nice day but theres too many entries, and they still got a nice 45 minutes to an hour without even going to a main and without having to waste much time. 15-20 minute mains, not very hard to concentrate that long compared to 30-45 minute mains, and it also doesnt burn through tires and fuel which is expensive for someone new to the hobby, and it allows everyone to get a good amount of time on the track. 3 classes can practice together for an hour and a half, people show up at say 6 for a night race and leave at 8:30 or 9 and they can get an hour of practice and 20 minutes of competitive racing in 2 and a half hours
    Edit: JQ I like your idea about putting the qualifiers into seeds, and grouping the race by speed, and with 15-20 minute mains it still shouldnt make a big problem for time. I am only a teenager and I know I could get take a list of classes and write down a schedule in under an hour and print it out and post it its really not that hard and it would mean the world to so many people. I really do hope its considered.

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