RC Car Videos

This RC car with razor blade wheels can slash as a result of ice 😳

Massive thanks to @Fivo Nine​!

49 thoughts on “This RC car with razor blade wheels can slash as a result of ice 😳

  1. Luchi says:

    I hope he’s wearing some steel toe

  2. after 8 PINTS OF LAGER'' hey iv got a awesome radio controlled truck do you want a go?.. in my mind: EVIL LAUGH….MUHHUHAHAHAHA 😉

  3. OMG''…….yeah great till he forgets and drives past taking his toes off……! ow dear!

  4. people who see the moon behind him


  5. Why are my toes twitching

  6. Fhearo x says:

    Husband… Babe have you seen my remote control car?

    Wife.. Yeah Kevin asked if he can take it to school for a demonstration for Show and Tell..

    Husband ran out the door… 😱🤯I made a few modifications

  7. Erika says:

    Image the rustler VXL that thing is crazy

  8. Кровавая машина

  9. 기기타 says:

    이번에 갑자기 살이 훅 찌는데 미칠거 같더라구요
    추천받은 해인감비환을 먹는 중입니다. 운동효과가 배로 나타나서 그런지 특히 체지방이 많이 줄었어요

  10. until you realise that the car goes 60 mph (100 km ) I have one almost killed my self

  11. pratap g says:

    Why we live short

  12. jaden e11 says:

    Dude's playing IRL rocket League

  13. Tim Okane says:

    Me toes , mate😅

  14. Omega says:

    What's the worst that could happen

  15. Imagine that car running over the same person by accident. scary! 😐

  16. Вокруг тебя пару кругов поездит и провалишься)

  17. Can you drift with it or use it in a skatering

  18. Dylan Pocock says:

    That's so dangerous cool but deadly

  19. sonicstep says:

    That's partly why international model car racing hobbies have strict rules/regulations – (BRCA, FEMCA, ROAR, IFMAR and so on) – to avoid this sort of hazardous shit from happening. They'd have no insurance cover for that.!

  20. sonicstep says:

    Better ensure those disc cutters are within date and properly secured. That looks extremely lethal.! 😱

  21. Iván says:

    Terreneitor 😎

  22. Вот так дрейфующие льдины и создатся

  23. Мы. Уважаем. Жележо

  24. Obat Maag TV says:

    If it hits you, will you ded?

  25. JocularSolid says:

    Cool but those arent razors

  26. Imagine it Just- 😐💀 Imagination upto U

  27. Team HPG says:

    No 💩 it has razor blades for tires 😑

  28. ☠️☠️ If that flew up while he was standing over it. Welp goodbye to him.

  29. Indar Singh says:

    Then you become frosty the snow man cause you froze to death from falling into a hole your car cut , good job 😂

  30. Solo me falta el mar congelado y el carro

  31. use this when your back hurts

  32. Northweast says:

    You know in cartoons when they’re chasing someone on ice and they get lead in a circle which cuts the ice and makes them fall in the water?

  33. بتخوف بلكي فلتت واجت عليه شو هالهبل

  34. Could you imagine the military having those in like 30 of them coming straight at you with them also having one big spinning blade on top

  35. Balls says:

    wheels breaks off oops…

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